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2023-11-04 17:43:40 | 找车网





联想扬天 R4948D(i7 4790/8GB/1TB/2GB独显)详细参数
产品类型 商用电脑
操作系统 Windows 7 Home Basic(家庭普通版)
主板芯片组 Intel H61
CPU 系列 英特尔 酷睿i7 4代系列
CPU 型号 Intel 酷睿i7 4790
CPU 频率 3.6GHz
最高睿频 4000MHz
总线DMI 5 GT/s
三级缓存 8MB
核心代号 Haswell
核心/线程 数四核心/八线程
制程工艺2 2nm
内存容量 8GB
内存类型 DDR3
内存插槽 2个DiMM插槽
硬盘容量 1TB
硬盘描述 7200转
光驱类型 DVD-ROM
光驱描述支持 DVD SuperMulti双层刻录
显卡类型 独立显卡
显存容量 2GB
DirectXDirectX 11
音频系统 集成





思科 4948交换机 console恢复出厂设置

Cisco 4500/4900 系列密码恢复

1.开机,按住ctrl+c 进入rommon 模式。显示如下(如没有进入rommon,关机重新试一次)
* *
* Welcome to Rom Monitor for WS-C4948 System. *
* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *

Rom Monitor Program Version 12.2(31r)SGA2
Supervisor: WS-C4948 Chassis: WS-C4948
Hardware Revisions - Board: 6.0 CPLD: 5 Dagobah: 226

MAC Address : c8-4c-75-xx-xx-xx
Ip Address : Not set.
Netmask : Not set.
Gateway : Not set.
TftpServer : Not set.
Main Memory : 256 MBytes

***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds *****

Type control-C to prevent autobooting.
. .
Autoboot cancelled......... please wait!!!
rommon 1 > [interrupt]

2.在rommon 提示符下,用confreg 命令实行密码恢复
rommon 1 >confreg

Configuration Summary :
=> load rom after netboot fails
=> ignore system config info
=> console baud: 9600
=> autoboot from: the first file from internal flash device

do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]: y
enable "diagnostic mode"? y/n [n]:
enable "use net in IP bcast address"? y/n [n]:
disable "load rom after netboot fails"? y/n [n]:
enable "use all zero broadcast"? y/n [n]:
enable "break/abort has effect"? y/n [n]:
disable "ignore system config info"? y/n [n]: y

change console baud rate? y/n [n]:

change the boot characteristics? y/n [n]:

Configuration Summary :
=> load rom after netboot fails
=> console baud: 9600
=> autoboot from: the first file from internal flash device

do you wish to save this configuration? y/n [n]: y
You must reset or power cycle for new configuration to take effect

rommon 2 >

3. reset 进入正常开机
rommon 2 >reset

Resetting .......

rommon 3 >

* *
* Welcome to Rom Monitor for WS-C4948 System. *
* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *

Rom Monitor Program Version 12.2(31r)SGA2
Supervisor: WS-C4948 Chassis: WS-C4948
Hardware Revisions - Board: 6.0 CPLD: 5 Dagobah: 226

MAC Address : c8-4c-75-xx-xx-xx
Ip Address : Not set.
Netmask : Not set.
Gateway : Not set.
TftpServer : Not set.
Main Memory : 256 MBytes

***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds *****

Type control-C to prevent autobooting.
. . . . .

******** The system will autoboot now ********

config-register = 0x2101

Autobooting using the first file from bootflash.....

Rommon reg: 0xE2004180
k2diags version 5.2_d

prod: WS-C4948 part: 73-9130-11 serial: FOX1xxxxxxx

Power-on-self-test for Module 1: WS-C4948
Port/Test Status: (. = Pass, F = Fail, U = Untested)

Cpu Subsystem Tests ...
seeprom: . temperature_sensor: .

Port Traffic: L2 Asic Loopback ...
0: . 1: . 2: . 3: . 4: . 5: . 6: . 7: . 8: . 9: . 10: . 11: .
12: . 13: . 14: . 15: . 16: . 17: . 18: . 19: . 20: . 21: . 22: . 23: .
24: . 25: . 26: . 27: . 28: . 29: . 30: . 31: . 32: . 33: . 34: . 35: .
36: . 37: . 38: . 39: . 40: . 41: . 42: . 43: . 44: . 45: . 46: . 47: .

Port Traffic: L3 Asic Loopback ...
0: . 1: . 2: . 3: . 4: . 5: . 6: . 7: . 8: . 9: . 10: . 11: .
12: . 13: . 14: . 15: . 16: . 17: . 18: . 19: . 20: . 21: . 22: . 23: .
24: . 25: . 26: . 27: . 28: . 29: . 30: . 31: . 32: . 33: . 34: . 35: .
36: . 37: . 38: . 39: . 40: . 41: . 42: . 43: . 44: . 45: . 46: . 47: .

Switch Subsystem Memory ...
1: . 2: . 3: . 4: . 5: . 6: . 7: . 8: . 9: . 10: . 11: . 12: .
13: . 14: . 15: . 16: . 17: . 18: . 19: . 20: . 21: . 22: . 23: . 24: .
25: . 26: . 27: . 28: . 29: . 30: . 31: . 32: . 33: . 34: . 35: . 36: .
37: . 38: . 39: . 40: . 41: . 42: . 43: . 44: . 45: . 46: . 47: . 48: .
49: . 50: . 51: . 52: . 53: . 54: . 55: .

Module 1 Passed

Exiting to ios...

Rommon reg: 0xE2000180
Restricted Rights Legend

Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.

cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California 95134-1706

Cisco IOS Software, Catalyst 4500 L3 Switch Software (cat4500-IPBASE-M), Version 12.2(53)SG1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 30-Oct-09 15:03 by prod_rel_team
Image text-base: 0x10000000, data-base: 0x11B917E8

cisco WS-C4948 (MPC8245) processor (revision 0) with 262144K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FOX1406GBSS
MPC8245 CPU at 266Mhz, Fixed Module
Last reset from Reload
1 Virtual Ethernet interface
48 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
511K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

Press RETURN to get started!

*Oct 25 21:35:20.583: ??K_IOSMODPORTMAN-4-POWERSUPPLYBAD: Power supply 1 has failed or been turned off
*Oct 25 21:35:29.459: %SPANTREE-5-EXTENDED_SYSID: Extended SysId enabled for type vlan
*Oct 25 21:35:31.595: ??K_IOSMODPORTMAN-6-MODULEONLINE: Module 1 (WS-C4948 S/N: FOX1xxxxxxxxx Hw: 1.7) is online
*Oct 25 21:35:31.943: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from memory by console
*Oct 25 21:35:32.475: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco IOS Software, Catalyst 4500 L3 Switch Software (cat4500-IPBASE-M), Version 12.2(53)SG1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 30-Oct-09 15:03 by prod_rel_team



2023-10-21 21:05:28


2023-09-15 07:50:32
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2023-09-19 19:52:42
显卡电源只有6+8pin,怎么插8+8pin显卡? 电源功率是够的这点不用担心。
显卡电源只有6+8pin,怎么插8+8pin显卡? 电源功率是够的这点不用担心。

显卡电源只有6+8pin,怎么插8+8pin显卡?电源功率是够的这点不用担心。这电源参数是单路12V 41.5A(所提供供电流、不是自己就占了41.5A)GTX970满载功耗大约在165W左右、换句话14A左右、这参数单路12V 41.5A498w意味着可以提供给CPU、显卡、硬盘等设备供电是绰绰有余,显卡要求双8P+8P供电、作用是分流,无有加重电源的负荷、选用6转8pin显卡电源

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