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广州大众 广州车展实拍解析上汽大众ID.4 X!

2023-09-17 19:46:10 | 找车网

今天找车网小编整理了广州大众 广州车展实拍解析上汽大众ID.4 X!相关内容,希望能帮助到大家,一起来看下吧。

广州大众 广州车展实拍解析上汽大众ID.4 X!

广州车展实拍解析上汽大众ID.4 X!

11月3日,大众汽车在中国发布了基于MEB平台研发的纯电动SUV——大众ID.4,该款车型在一汽大众体系下被命名为大众ID.4 CROZZ,而在上汽大众旗下则被命名为大众ID.4 X,中文名为光荷X。目前两个版本的大众ID.4都已经开始接受预定了,预售价将不超过25万元。在本届广州车展上,我们有机会能近距离感受大众ID4的魅力。接下来就让我们通过 上汽大众ID.4 X(以下简称“ID.4 X”),为大家介绍这款万众期待的大众纯电动SUV。

在车型外观方面,ID.4 X采用大众品牌最新电动车家族“光语律动”设计语言,在很多细节处都使用了柔和的曲线设计。这点在ID.4 X的车头处特别明显。其中封闭式前脸以及下方两侧的外扩通风口就能看到复杂的曲面转折,为车头增加了层次感和柔和之美。另外前脸的贯穿式灯带通过大众车标,将两侧IQ. Light光眸矩阵式大灯联系在一起,让车辆从前面看起来更加犀利。

车身侧面,ID.4 X采用了三色设计,其中上半部分是极具金属质感的银色A柱、车顶边框、C柱,而B柱和车顶主体使用了熏黑处理。而在车身下半部分则是以黑色包围,辅以亮银色防刮条。整体来看这样的设计层次感丰富,色彩搭配比较协调。另外从A柱下方延伸至尾灯的腰线并没有采用大众特别喜欢的直线设计,而是在后车门至尾灯处有个向上的跳跃,十分灵动。车身尺寸方面,ID.4 X的长宽高分别为4612mm/1852mm/1640mm,轴距2765mm。

另外车身侧面还有一个值得注意的点,ID.4 X的两个充电口同时放在了车辆右侧,这是比较少见的。不过这样的设计虽然看起来比较方便,但究竟实用性怎么样还有待考察。

ID.4 X车尾最大亮点是具有贯穿式灯带的LED尾灯灯组,辨识度和科技感都比较高。另外主灯组采用了层次丰富的多边造型,兼顾了时尚和精致。除此以外,ID.4 X的车尾造型还是比较常规的,主要以厚实稳重为设计理念,而下方两侧外扩式雾灯设计不但与前脸进气口相呼应,同时也增加了一些运动气质。

内饰方面,整体来看,ID.4 X的车内采用了比较简约的设计风格。三块面板和双配色让ID.4 X看上去很清新,也让各功能区清晰明了,对新用户很友好。另外据官方介绍,ID.4 X具有“潮流坐标”、“典雅格调”和“都市激情”3种主题拼色内饰,供不同消费者根据自己的喜好选择内饰风格。

ID.4 X的仪表盘采用了悬浮式设计,而且面板非常小巧,不过从展车的提示信息来看,仪表盘的UI字体设计还是比较清晰的。另外因为是小仪表盘,因此我们预测这里可能仅显示续航、电量以及档位等最重要的行车信息,其他数据或许只能在中控显示屏上看到了。

另外有意思的是,ID.4 X的档位位置非常特别,既不是在中央扶手箱前,也不是方向盘后方的拨杆,而是在仪表盘右侧,通过提示我们能够看到,ID.4 X应该是通过上下拧动的方式进行档位切换。这样的方式比较特别,不光是位置,而且如此大的按钮也不多见,因此需要驾驶者适应和习惯一下。

另外在ID.4 X的主驾驶左侧仍然是大众常规的灯光设置区域,不过新车并没有使用燃油车上的旋钮结构,而是采用触控面板的设计,这对于“老司机”来说同样需要有一个适应的过程。

ID.4 X装配了12英寸悬浮式中控显示屏,据了解该屏幕可实现手势触控、语音控制等多种交互操作,另外这块中控屏会略微偏向驾驶席,看来主要是为驾驶者提供更多服务,这也进一步印证了更多行车信息将会显示到中控屏上的预测。而在屏幕下方则是控制空调的实体按键,同为黑色面板的设计与显示屏形成一个整体。

座椅方面,ID.4 X采用了运动化设计,前后排的靠背和座垫都有侧面包裹,不过实际包裹程度并不是很强,座椅整体还是比较柔软的。另外我们坐进车内之后,感觉座垫长度适中,给腿部有较好的支撑,无论是驾驶还是乘坐都还是比较舒服的。此外座椅的三色设计,特别是黄色缝线都帮助ID.4 X的车内空间更加年轻时尚。

在智能科技方面,ID.4 X搭载的AR-HUD增强现实抬头显示功能、ID. Light光语系统、ID.语音管家等黑科技的应用为驾乘者带来直觉系行车交互体验,让用车生活充满智能与乐趣。最新一代智慧车联系统与IQ. Drive智慧驾驶系统更可让驾驶者畅享时刻在线、智能互通的驾控体验。 找车网

动力方面,大众ID.4 X将使用代号为NCM811,容量为83.4kWh的锂电池组,NEDC续航里程555km。此外目前已开放预订的ID.4 X采用的驱动电机,最大功率为150kW,峰值扭矩为310Nm,驱动形式为后驱,0-60km/h加速4s。此外上汽大众还表示ID.4 X的电池包经过338项安全测试,远超国标,涵盖碰撞、火烧、热扩散、高低温存放、温度冲击、盐雾测试等测试,保障电池包在各种极端工况下的安全性。


广州大众 广州车展实拍解析上汽大众ID.4 X!


名称: 广州合富大众汽车销售服务有限公司
省份: 广东
地址: 广东省广州市番禺区市桥桥兴大道635号
邮编: 511400
电话: 020 34817388
传真: 020-84664429

名称: 上海汽车工业供销广东联营公司
省份: 广东
地址: 广东省广州市天河区吉山村东南边新广园东路快速干线边
邮编: 510170
电话: 020-86329304
传真: 020-86329253

名称: 上海大众汽车广州销售服务有限公司
省份: 广东
地址: 广东省广州市沙河梅花园汽车修理厂内
邮编: 510510
电话: 020-37290913
传真: 020-37290668

名称: 广东德宝汽车贸易有限公司
省份: 广东
地址: 广东省广州市天河区黄埔大道东668号AEC汽车城东区1号
邮编: 510660
电话: 020 82311212
传真: 020-82311121

名称: 广州市上海大众汽车销售服务有限公司
省份: 广东
地址: 广东省广州市荔湾区龙溪大道286号
邮编: 510375
电话: 020 81415333
传真: 020-81415666

名称: 广州市大吉汽车销售服务有限公司
省份: 广东
地址: 广东省广州市白云大道北1395号
邮编: 510440
电话: 020 86054112
传真: 020-86054215

广州大众 广州车展实拍解析上汽大众ID.4 X!

广州大众旅游景点介绍英语 广州著名景点英语介绍


Brief Introduction to Guangdong Province(Yue for Short)
Guangdong is located in the southern part of the south China Sea, encompassing a total 179,766 square kilometres. From north to south, the altitudes of landforms decreases. The highest mountain is the Shikengkong peak with a height of 1902 m above sea level. The mountain and hill areas cover most of Guangdong without many plains. There are many rivers such as the Zhujiang River (Pearl River), which is composed of the Xijiang River, the Beijiang River, the Dongjiang River, the Hanjiang River, the Rongjiang River and the Moyangjiang River. Guangdong has a curved coastal line of 3368.1 km and many estuaries and more than 651 offshore islets. The Tropic of Cancer runs through Guangdong, the southwest part of which and the Leizhou Peninsula are in the tropical zone , and other parts in the subtropical zone. It is warm and rainy all the year round, the average temperature ranges from 19 to 26 centigrade degree, the average annual rainfall is more than 1500 mm, the rainy season is from April to September. Abort 130,000 years ago, the Home sapiens, the Beijing River "Mabaren", evolved into the Xijiang River "Fengkairen"about 12,000 years ago, and then to Baiyueren about 4,000 years ago. In 214 B.C. the first emperor in Qing Dynasty brought the Linnan under his control, and divided it into three parts: the Han People moved into these regions and the County. Since that time, the Han People moved into these regions and the Baiyue People became the members of Chinese nation. By now there are also many ethnic minorities such as the Miao, the Yao ,the Hui, the Man and the She in the Guangdong Province. In 1989 the population was estimated at 60,240,000. Besides, there are a large number of Guangdong people who have emigrated abroad. Guangdong Province was first set up in 1370 A.D. with Guangzhou as its capital. People in Guangdong Province have revolutionary traditions . The first page of Chinese modern history began in Guangdong (the Anti-imperialism's Opium War), which is also the starting point of Chinese Democratic Revolution. As the South Gate of China, Guangdong has been opining to the outside world for a long time. Since the adoption of opening and reforming policy in 1978, three special economic zones, Shen Zhen, Zhuhai and Shantou, have been established, Guangzhou, Zhanjiang, the Zhujiang (Pearl River) Delta areas and the whole coastal regions have been opened. More than 100 ports have also been opened. So Guangdong's transportation is convenient. Its industry is devoloping and agricultural products (rice, fruits, fishing, etc)are abundant. Its economy is developing rapidly.
The transport conditions in Guangdong Province are fairly good. So far, the water transportation has been playing a very important role. The ocean shops go from Guangzhou or Zhanjiang to South East Asia, Africa, Europe and America, and more than 40 ports in Shanghai , Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Nantong, Ningbo, Yantai, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Wenzhou, Beihai and etc. Guangdong is also one of the provinces in China where the highways have been developed into the networks all over the province. And there are four railways: Beijiang to Guangzhou, Guangzhou to Jiulong, Guangzhou to Maoming and Litang to Zhanjiang. The air transport services are developing rapidly. Besides an airport in Guangzhou, there are some other airports in Zhanjing, Shantou, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Foshan, Huizhou, Wuhua, Meixian, Yangjiang etc. which connect with all the large cities in China. There are more than 10 international airlines.
The handicraft industry in Guangdong is in the lead in the whole country with a long history and unique features. As early as 1870s, the handicraft industry in Ganging had become well known as "guanghuo". Hardware(such as keys, knives, flashlights), umbrella, leather products, furniture (especial the carved mahogany furniture) are all well-known in the world. Among the artware, the ivory carving, gem carving, iron carving, porcelain carving and golden-wood carving are well known for their excellent design. The Guangdong embroidery and the Chaozhou embroidery, one of the four kinds of best embroideries in China , are known for their beautiful patterns and exquisite craft. Besides, there are also Zhaoqing's inkstone, Dongguan's fireworks, Shiwan's porcelain and Xingning's folding fan.
The local culture in Guangdong is also well developed. The main dialects are Guangzhou dialects , Hakka dialects and Chao zhou dialects. There are Guangdong local music, Yue opera, Chaozhou opera and Guangdong Han opera. The Lingnan architecture, Guangdong cooking and folk custom are all fascinating. Guangdong is a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, moderate climate and many scenic spots. The Luofu Mountain, the Danxia mountain, the Dinghu Mountain and the Xiqiao Mountain are the four famous mountains in Guangdong Province. There are also many wonderful attractions for tourism and holidays all over the province.
Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province, is one of China's main industrial centers, covering an area of 7,434 square kilometers, and with a population of over 6 million.
Guangzhou stands at the confluence of the East River, West River and North River, with its land sloping from north-east to south-west, and an alluvial plain in the south and south-west parts. It adjoins the South China Sea, and is crisscross with rivers and streams. It has south subtropical marine climate with an annual average temperature of 21.8 degree Celsius, rainfall of 1694 millimeters, and a frost-free period of 345 days. It's abundant in agricultural and aquatic resources. Its mineral resources include coal, salt, copper, iron, zinc, lead and limestone.
Guangzhou's industry covers machinery, shipbuilding, textiles, sugar-refinery, household electrical appliances, computers, petrochemicals, light industrial products for daily use, rubber products and garments. The Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone situated in Huangpu has already taken shape. Guangzhou has advanced agriculture, abounding in rice, sugarcanes, fruits, freshwater fish and oil crops.
Guangzhou is communication hub of Guangdong Province, with railways and highways radiating in all directions, and convenient inland-water, coastal and ocean transport. Huangpu is the biggest seaport in the South, ranking fifth in volume of freight handled in China. Its airport stands also in the forefront in passenger transport.
Guangzhou is South China's biggest national-and-foreign-oriented city with flourishing commerce, and China's chief foreign trade center as well. It's also China's famous historical and cultural city. The city with long summer and no winter is always green with flowers in bloom all the year round, hence reputed as "Flower City". Its scenic spots and historical sites include Guangxiao Temple, Liurong Temple and White Clouds Mountain scenic area etc.
Efforts are being made to build Guangzhou into an international metropolis functioning primarily as the biggest financial, high-tech and light industrial, as well as communication and transport center in South China.
Location: located in the south part of China, at the mouth of the Pearl River
Neighboring Areas: Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, and Hainan provinces; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hong Kong and Macao
Population: 6.66 million
Urban Population: 3.95 million
Area: 7,434 sq km
Nationalities: Han, Li, Yao, Zhuang, Miao, Hui, Manchu and She
History: with a history of 2,200 years, regarded as the the earilest among the international trade port cities in the world; built as Chuting by the Chu people on the middle reaches of the Yangtse River in the 9th century B.C.; established as Nanhai Prefecture in the Qin dynasty and became Nanyue Kingdom in the Western Han dynasty; the starting point of the Silk Road on the sea which links China with the Arabian and western countries in trading; the China's only foreign trade port at sea before the Qing dynasty.
Climatic Features: subtropical humid monsoon climate, hot and rainy
Average Temperature: 21.7degC annually with the highest of 38.7 and lowest of 0degC
Rainfall: annual precipitation 1982.7 mm, with rainfall concentrated in spring and autumn
Mountains: Western Hills, which belong to the Taihang Range; Mt. Jundushan, in the north, which is part of the Mt. Yanshan
Rivers: Pearl River (West River, North River, East River), Nanhai, Liuhua Lake, Li Lake, Dongshan Lake
Products: paddy rice, potato, wheat, corn, jowar, silk, sugarcane, earthnut and hemp
Tropical or Subtropical Fruits: banana, cirtrus, lichee, and pineapple
Local Highlights: Yue Drama
Famous Guangdong Folk Music: Bubugao and Xiyangyang
Handcraft: Ivory Carving, Sandalwood Fan


Ladies and gentlemen,
May I have your attention, please? We have a one-day tour plan for you in Guangzhou. Now let me make a brief introduction of the city.
Guangzhou is the largest city in south China. It's so big and marvelous that most visitors have not enough time to enjoy it. Guangzhou, a lifetime is not enough is even a saying for Cantonese.
Guangzhou is the culture center and the political center of Guangdong Province which is an excellent place that you shouldn't miss.
Guangzhou is a nice place, because the trees and flowers are planted everywhere. They can purify the waste gas and offer us the fresh air. Especially in spring days, the city is decorated with different kinds of beautiful flowers, so it can be regarded as a flower land.

以上就是广州大众 广州车展实拍解析上汽大众ID.4 X!全部内容,更多相关信息,敬请关注找车网。
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